How to Type Emojis from a MacBook Air

Have you ever wondered how to access an emoji keyboard from a computer? I use a MacBook Air to do my work, and wanted to figure out how to add emojis to marketing text without having to type on a mobile device. Searching Google for emojis macbook air unveiled a very cool solution.
Three simple keystrokes
The answer is simple and involves three simple keystrokes from a MacBook keyboard: control + command + spacebar.
Or, add an emoji keyboard to the menu bar
Another option for accessing emojis from a MacBook Air is to add them to your menu bar.
Go to System Preferences (i.e., the gear app on a MacBook Air), select Keyboard, and check “Show Keyboard, Emoji, and Symbol Viewers in menu bar”.
Once checked, a square icon pops up on the MacBook Air’s top menu bar. Clicking the icon prompts a symbol and emoji character keyboard organized by topic. Pretty neat, huh? (😀 <== I typed this emoji from the emoji keyboard, for example.)
Good luck with your new typing tricks. If you have more to share, please let me know!
Lorraine Akemann | Co-Founder and Editor | Moms With Apps